My body is made up of physical material, you can see it and touch it, and can smell it. Each part of me is unique and distinguishable from the other parts, yet operate in relationship to one another. My mind is connected to my body, my body is connected to my mind and my mind and body are connected to my spirit. The more I acknowledge this and cooperate with this reality, I will experience harmony and wholeness. The more I try and defy and deny this reality, the more dis-ease and disharmony I will experience, and perhaps will try to numb out from having to experience this reality.
My spirit is unseen to the physical eyes, and depending on either how whole or fragmented I am within, my spirit will be connecting likewise to others and their spirits.
My spirit isn't completely mysterious and elusive, though it's not made up of physical material. My spirit is my authentic self. It is who I am, not what I do, what I have, and what I look like on the outside. My spirit transcends all elements of physical characteristics, yet is true and real, just as my body and brain are real. My spirit was given to me through another spirit, and that is the spirit of my Creator. My spirit is what mirrors the likeness of my Creator.
In knowing my spirit, and acknowledging my spirit, is to know and acknowledge my Creator. This is what I have experienced and come to realize as I remove the barriers of shame and pride, as I integrate my mind, body and spirit with one another....
My spirit has deep longings. My spirit longs to be loved, to be known, to be seen, to not only be acknowledged, but to be profoundly valued and cherished. My spirit longs to be made alive as I experience the longings being met, one day at a time, one moment at a time. Shame and pride keep the barriers up which prevent me from to acknowledging this reality, because then vulnerability is seen as an insane risk.
As long as I am alive in my body and mind, my spirit will be relentless in the pursuit of its longings. My spirit does not long to solely identify with a gender of being male nor female, for my spirit transcends those physical elements and cannot be constrained within those, but acknowledges those as valuable parts of my body, and therefore parts of my spirit. My spirit does not long to fully find its identity and fulfillment within an ethnic race, for it transcends those visible characteristics which my spirit finds too confining, though a valuable part of my mind and body. Because my body and mind do not find the former characteristic too confining, my spirit does acknowledge and accept these present elements, but my spirit does not find ultimate rest in them, because those are all temporary, and my spirit is eternal, but can still appropriately value the temporary, without shaming and disowning those temporary parts.
Spiritual consists of the activity in the realm of the spiritual,
Mental consists of the activity in the realm of the mental,
Physical consists of the activity in the realm of the physical.