Acknowledging and embracing my desire for unconditional love brings me closer to living life fully, one day at a time. Conversely, denying it brings me closer to living life in a bubble of delusion, one day at a time.
When I get confronted with a conscious decision regarding my desire for unconditional love, I am aware that the enemy of my soul has a primary strategy in his mission which is to kill, steal and destroy whatever moves me closer to living a life of love. Satan's strategy involves his proposal being presented in decorated goods or theories, that will cater to what I am created to desire, because he relies on bait. Without it, his strategy to exploit my desires towards accomplishing his mission, which is to keep me from living a life of love, are exposed.
The proposal will always be one which appeals to my desires, that is the bait. But, it demands a high down payment. The down payment is not in the form of money or material goods, although similar to money and material goods, it is in a form that holds universal value nonetheless: spiritual faith. Which perception of God will I bet on being the real God when it comes to investing my faith?
There are 3 options, no more and no less:
- the God who is for meeting my desires.
- the God who is indifferent to meeting my desires.
- the God who is against meeting my desires.
In each decision I become consciously aware of making, I can choose which of the above options of God I will invest it.
Investing in the God who painstakingly incarnated Himself in the person of Jesus and laid down His life on the cross to cancel our debt of sin, is a spiritually risky business. No wonder why Jesus said few will enter in. It requires investing all my faith in the God who is explicitly for meeting my desires, or else I'm done with because I've invested everything (all my faith) in him.
But the other alternative God-options come with covert and hidden assumptions about the Investor (person with free-will regarding their faith) that needs to be explicitly acknowledged at the same time:
- the Investor believes one can live fully without God.
- the Investor does not have desires.
- the Investor is not worth living a full life.
In my bias opinion of spirituality, I believe that believing in those assumptions above about myself as the Investor, creates pain that I would need to swallow if I swallowed the bait. The bait entices because it appeals to meeting my desires, because it needs to disguise the lies I need to believe about myself in order to invest.
The hidden assumptions about my own self that I consent to agreeing with if I am to invest my faith in a God who is not for me or is indifferent with me are that I am defective or I have no desires, in which then the bait would not be bait in the first place and I wouldn't be drawn to it. And there the the double-bind comes out of hiding. The self-destructive contradiction which the sale is dependent on is exposed, this is a scam that I'm being tempted to invest in, based on a double-bind, a sly lie.
Decision-making tool:
Is this bait, or is it presenting the full picture of God and what it means to be human, revealed in Jesus?
"Exploitation for sale, 1 life a pail..."
Buyer beware, seller holds you liable for everything. no exclusions.