Tuesday, November 12, 2013

What If...

What if I was to ask God to grant me the courage and support needed from others to face my struggles instead of walking away from them?

What if I was to ask God to help me release the resentments I have, along with their logical and valid reasons for dominating the development of my character, over and above my conscious values?

What if I was to ask God to use me to support others in their own journey with how I conduct myself in my relationships, instead of only telling others what they should do in theirs?

What if I was to ask God to empower me to feel my feelings instead of needing to:

d e n y  them...
e x p l a i n  them instead of feel them...
n u m b  out...
let them  c o n t r o l  me...
s h a m e  myself for their existence...

What if...
I were to  t r u s t  Him to grant me my what ifs...